Year 12 

Standard Math | Advanced Math | Extension 1 and 2 Math

Our Year 12 Math programs are centred around teaching concepts powerfully and immediately applying them in specific exam type environments. Mathematics is a subject where students can drastically improve with the right instruction and the right level of practice, and we aim to provide both through our tutors and our weekly booklets. Our tutors are also across the different past papers that are available and regularly work with students to make the most out of these resources. 

Standard English | Advanced English

Our Year 12 English programs are module specific and where appropriate, incorporate a text specific approach. For students requiring specific help with a text, we aim to organise text specific sessions where a certain text’s primary themes and quotes are analysed and developed. Otherwise, the program aims to develop strong essay and creative/discursive writing skills and cultivates an understanding of the needs of the different Modules (and the unique writing styles they demand). The program heavily incorporates a student specific approach, with tutors working with students on their specific pieces throughout the year to develop strong model essays. Alongside this, tutors work with students to practice adapting essays to different questions and exam scenarios to maximise student achievement.

Sciences: Biology | Chemistry | Physics

Our Year 12 science courses are centred on intuitive content explanations alongside regular worked examples and practice questions. Tutors are high achievers in their specific science subject and are able to break down complex ideas in to simple explanations; this is the skill that students need to ultimately apply in their own exam context. Tutors work hard to develop students’ understanding as well as their writing skills so that their understanding can be translated in an exam context. Armed with Profectus specific resources as well as various past papers, students are able to drastically improve how they perform in exam situations.

Dedicated to helping students achieve their goals.

To get in touch with us and schedule a consultation, please fill out the form below or give us a call at 0492 946 517.